In our last blog, I mentioned that sometimes we all suffer from information overload. Even worthwhile information can wind up being left on the table and not be put to good use. At Triad, we have narrowed the focus of all of the John Maxwell materials to what we call the Five Pillars of Leadership Success – personal growth, effective communications, influencing others, developing personal leadership skills, and developing leaders around you.
Today, I want to focus on the FIRST PILLAR – PERSONAL GROWTH, which is foundational to most everything else in our lives and in our businesses. It all has to do with self-awareness and the realization and the development of our God given potential. Zig Ziglar once said that we are all filled with seeds of greatness. Just like the huge oak tree that grows from an acorn, we also grow from tiny beginnings. At some point we generally stop growing physically but we never have to stop growing in most other aspects of our lives. We can continually grow in our knowledge and develop wisdom; we can grow in our love and affection for others; we can continue grow in our ability to create music or buildings or movies, etc. We can continue to grow in our spiritual lives and focus on caring for, and serving others.
The problem is that grow doesn’t just happen. In John Maxwell’s book and workshop, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, we learn that we must be intentional in understanding ourselves and in finding our passions. We must discover our purpose and develop our skills so that we can become all that God created us to be. We must be honest with ourselves and frequently overcome life’s inevitable setbacks.
The more personal and professional skills we develop, and the more we develop our charter traits of integrity, hard work, being a trusted team player, etc, the more attractive we become in our business relationships which means better jobs with more responsibilities and compensation and greater satisfaction and sense of fulfillment.
In our work with leadership teams, we start with the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth to help build a firm foundation on both the personal and business levels. We also teach why its important to constantly grow for the rest of your earthy life and provide tools to make your growing process more effective and rewarding.
Watch for our next blog post where we will discuss the importance of the SECOND PILLAR - COMMUNICATIONS for building leadership success. Please email me with your suggestions for blog posts or questions at: john.gardner@yourleadershipTEAMCOACH or call me at: 800-295-1750