Communications is at an all time high especially taking into account all of the internet and social media traffic. Just looking at Facebook alone, there are 1.4 billion active users each day that watch 8 billion video views. In fact, 86% of the US population is on social media at least once per day. However, even though millions / billions of folks are posting and liking and commenting, people are actually spending less meaningful time with one another than ever before. Since 90% of effective communications is non-verbal, there is no way that online “tweets” can create true connections that serve positive personal or business purposes. One of John Maxwell’s books and workshops is entitled Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. In his book, Maxwell says that connecting is the ability to identify with people and related to them in a way that increases your influence with them. In our training with the Maxwell Team, we were constantly reminded that leadership is influence with others and of course if you cannot effective connect with a personal or business associate, then you are obviously not going to influence them. Several of the principles and practices that one can learn and apply regarding how to have effective communications include: finding common ground, keeping communications simple, capturing people’s interest, inspiring people, staying authentic in all of your relationships. These are learned skills but effective communication requires constant awareness and hard work to first truly understand others and speak in terms of the other person’s interests. As we discussed in the FIRST PILLAR – PERSONAL GROWTH, as you constantly and intentionally grow yourself, you will have more to wisdom and encouragement to share with others IF you can effectively connect with them. The ability to grow yourself and effectively connect with others is a critical determining factor in achieving personal and business success.
Watch for our next blog post where we will discuss the importance of the THIRD PILLAR - INFLUENCING OTHERS for achieving leadership success. Please email me with your suggestions for blog posts or questions at: john.gardner@yourleadershipTEAMCOACH or call me at: 800-295-1750